Christian H.
West House
Topic: Digital Art (Graphic Design)
Essential Question: What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Presentation 2 Final Draft: Graphic Design

EQ: What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing?

(A) Introduction
1. Describe a general overview of your presentation
-It is mainly going to be a power point presentation on who my service learning is and tie it back to my EQ and defining what graphic designing is.
2. Purpose or objectives of your presentation (aka the thesis of your presentation)
-To show my peers what graphic designing is.

(B) Body (back up your purpose with 2-3 major points)
1. Major point 1: Give examples made my graphic designers. I am doing this to show that they are hired to create pieces of art for something specific (movie poster, book cover...) (6 min.)
2. Major point 2: Go over my piece "Northern Lights", and how it helped me take a huge first step. (4 min)
3. Major point 3: Show who my Service Leaning is and why he helps me. (5 minutes).
*For each major point in the body you plan to discuss, put in parentheses how long you think you will present on this topic
4. I am going to tell every person to design a rough draft of a movie poster on a piece of paper. I'll give them a movie genre (drama/romance) with the actors and directors (Keanu Reeves and Kate Beckinsale) and the plot of the movie.
5. How will this activity help the students understand the major points you already covered?
-The first major point covers how a designing is given a piece to do, and given the requirements and wants and needs form the client. They have to meet all of these and bring it all together to be appropriate with the content of what they are presenting or advertising.
-The second point shows the steps I took in design a piece myself. How the actual piece came together and what I had to think of in order to get to where I wanted to.
-The third point has to do with the gathering of the overall knowledge I gained from the past two points.
(C) Conclusion
1. Summarize the essential points and discuss how this is connected to the EQ.
-Point 1: One of my answers to my EQ is meeting the needs of your client. By showing actual works of art and advertising from real designers, I am giving real life examples of what works well and what doesn’t.
-Point 2: This is mostly me going through the process of designing an art piece. Practice is very important to any career, but it doesn’t directly reflect on any of my EQ answers, but to the EQ it does because skill is essential for success.
-Point 3: This is one of my main fountains of knowledge when it comes to the entire field of graphic designing. This is for my own personal use as well as getting answers to my EQ.
2. What was your most important source for this presentation and why?
-Definitely my service learning. He helped me come up with 2 different answers for my EQ. Plus he give me help on how I should continue forward in my own practice for this career.
*You need to also reference research as you are presenting the introduction and body.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Independent Study 1

I, Christian Hernandez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents at least 30 hours of work.

The following photographs were not completely made by my own hands from scratch. The only piece that is done entirely by me is "Northern Lights". I used Adobe Photoshop CS5 to change, organize, manipulate, and add on to these pictures. I have over 60 hours of me on my computer working on these peices, and although there are more not posted, these were the ones that I have decided to post as evidence of my working.

Defend your work and explain how the significant parts of your component and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.

My Senior Project requires that I explore many different aspects, techniques, and applications and creation of digital art. Since I started off my project with absolutely no experience


How did it help you answer your EQ? Be specific and use examples.
Demon Hunter Persona- Header

Elfen Lied-Cry Blood

Demon Hunter Skull (Red)

Digital Art/Other Poster

Beautiful Eye Reflection
Northern Lights

Magical Forest
Red/Purple Eye
Night Eye

Third Interview Questions

What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing.
  1. How would you define a successful graphic designer?
  2. How important is drawing skill when it comes to creating a piece of advertising?
  3. What are the most popular jobs (and employers) of graphic artist?
  4. What form of graphic designing do you think will be the most popular in the future (gaming animation, movie posters, food labels…”
  5. How would you define a freelance graphic designer?
  6. How many years of education are usually required to receive the necessary skills and knowledge to be a freelance designer?
  7. What are some of the biggest problems an artist might face?
  8. What are some good ways for an artist to replenish their creativity?
  9. What are the different wages for different kind of designer (ex: video game designer vs. movie poster creator)
  10. What other occupations might appeal to a person with the same skills as a graphic artist?

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    Presentation 2 Rough Draft: Graphic Design

    EQ: What is most important for an artist to be succeful in the field of graphic designing?

    (A) Introduction

    1. Describe a general overview of your presentation
    -It is mainly going to be a power point presentation on some of the best peices I've done and who my service learning is.

    2. Purpose or objectives of your presentation (aka the thesis of your presentation)
    -To show my peers what graphic designing is.

    (B) Body (back up your purpose with 2-3 major points)

    1. Major point 1: Give examples made my graphic designers. I am doing this to show that they are hired to create pieces of art for something specific (movie poster, book cover...) (6 min.)

    2. Major point 2: Go over my piece "Northern Lights", and how it helped me take a huge first step. (4 min)

    3. Major point 3: Show who my Service Leaning is and why he helps me. ( 5 minutes).

    *For each major point in the body you plan to discuss, put in parentheses how long you think you will present on this topic

    4. I plan to have the class in groups of 4-5 (the usual). I am going to tell them to design a rough draft of a movie poster on a piece of paper. I'll give them a movie genre (drama/romance) with the actors and directors (Keanu Reeves and Kate Beckinsale) and the plot of the movie.

    5. How will this activity help the students understand the major points you already covered?
    -The first major point covers how a designing is given a peice to do, and given the requirements and wants and needs form the client. They have to meet all  of these and bring it all together to be appropriate with the content of what they are presenting or advertising.
    -The second point shows the steps I took in design a piece myself. How the actual piece came together and what I had to think of in order to get to where I wanted to.
    -The third point has to do with the gathering of the overall knowledge I gained from the past two points.

    (C) Conclusion

    1. Summarize the essential points and discuss how this is connected to the EQ.
    -Point 1: One of my answers to my EQ is meeting the needs of your client. By showing actual works of art and advertising from real designers, I am giving real life examples of what works well and what doesnt.
    -Point 2: This is mostly me going through the process of designing an art piece. Practice is very important to any career, but it doesnt directly reflect on any of my EQ answers, but to the EQ it does because skill is essential for success.
    -Point 3: This is one of my main fountain of knowlege when it comes to the entire field of graphic designing. This is for my own personal use as well as getting answers to my EQ.

    2. What was your most important source for this presentation and why?
    -Definitely my service learning. He helped me come up with 2 different answers for my EQ. Plus he give me help on how I should continue forward in my own practice for this career.
    *You need to also reference research as you are presenting the introduction and body.