Christian H.
West House
Topic: Digital Art (Graphic Design)
Essential Question: What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fourth Interview Questions

Interview 4 questions
1.       What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing?
2.       How would you define art?
3.       What are some different kinds of graphic art that you can think of?
4.       How would you define an artist?
5.       How would you define a successful graphic artist?
6.       How important is overall artistic skill (drawing, creativity…) when it comes to being a graphic designer?
7.       (shows picture and asks for feedback)
8.       (shows picture and asks for feedback)
9.       (shows picture and asks for feedback)
10.   (shows picture and asks for feedback)
11.   (shows picture and asks for feedback)
12.   (shows picture and asks for feedback)
13.   (shows picture and asks for feedback)
14.   (shows picture and asks for feedback)
15.   (shows picture and asks for feedback)
16.   (shows picture and asks for feedback)
17.   (shows picture and asks for feedback)
18.   What is the best way to deal with color blindness for a graphic artist? (since we’re both colorblind)
19.   Should a graphic designer be familiar with how the printing system works?
20.   Would an artist be more successful having their own business, or working under someone?

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