Christian H.
West House
Topic: Digital Art (Graphic Design)
Essential Question: What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Service Learning

(1) LIA Response to blog:
• Total Time: 51 hours
• Suheil Baddour (sue-heel bah-door)

Out of the many hours I spent volunteering there, I was tasked to do many things. Apply vinyl, prepare posters, work on banner, help design business cards, and occasionally fix a computer or two. Doing such a variety of tasks helped me understand that a graphic designer must know more than strait out designing.

My EQ asks "What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing?" Knowing a variety of task and the different aspects of the designing process just occurred to me as I type this exact blog. I might add it as my third answer if at all possible. Its an important answer because without knowing how to do other task, you'll be stuck doing only one job (such as only hand drawn design, newsletters, brochures, or business cards).

(2) Confirmation of Contact Person, Contact Phone Number, and 50 hours completed

*His email signature*


Monday, May 9, 2011

2 hour Presentation Rough Draft

What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing?

Classroom Theme
3 laptops (one for sideshow presentation and 2 additional for activity), classroom computers with photo-shop, poster from Creative Expression with EQ, projector, tutorial packets, RED BULL!

Sponge Activity
  1. The activity: I will have students watch promo-videos of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. I will have them write down which one they like the most, and how (for what) they would use that program.
  2.  Materials needed and process: I will download the three promotional videos and play them on my laptop. 
  3. Relation to answer: My best answer is "Effectively use, application and technical understanding of graphic designing programs." The video shows the top 3 graphic designing programs.

I'll start by introducing myself and my senior project topic. After that, I'll ready my EQ and have one of the students explain what they think a graphic designer is. I'll explain it in more detail by quoting top designer's and then quick a quick overview of the main topics we will be covering.

My main foundation will be to show different kinds of work of designing, including some of my own. Mostly I will show some advertising, band logos, and video game concept art.

Answer 1: Effectively use, application and technical understanding of graphic designing programs. 
  • For this section, I will begin by presenting the three different programs that I showed in the video. I'll explain the technical aspect aspect of how each one works, how they are different, and how they are effectively AND ineffectively used.Since this is my best answer, I will take a slightly longer time talking about it.(25-30 minutes)

Answer 2: Include and work with the client in every step of the designing process.

  • I will be going more into the career aspect of graphic designing for this answer. This goes with a different kind of success, more of a financial success. I'll give real life examples from my service learning. (15 minutes)

 Foundation Activities
Answer 1 Activity
  1. A step by step photoshop tutorial
  2.  I'll first go over a step by step tutorial for Adobe Photoshop (how to do it and tips) as well as show them from my laptop how to use some of the tools, then I'll leave it up on the board and print out a packet for them to review. It will be a very simple task, only photo manipulation. They will each have a picture and be applying different filters to show how to quickly change a photo and give it a whole new look and feel to it.
  3. All the computer in Ms. Melogno's  room, and two addition laptops. Also a packet for everyone for reference on the tutorial.
Answer 2 Activity
  1. It will be a "command and draw" activity.
  2. I'll have the oldest person in the pair think of a landscape. They will be telling their partner how the landscape looks like in their head and describe it to them. The other pair's job is to try and draw what they think their partner thinks on a piece of paper as accurately as possible.
  3. Pencil, paper, and small folder to cover what the person is drawing (this is so they dont make hand gestures to the paper and point out where they want specific things)

Best Answer: Effectively use, application and technical understanding of graphic designing programs. 
  • I'll explain that even with good people skills or colaboration with your clients, without knowledge of how to use the designing tools, you are no better then them to design anything.
Three Meaningful Sources
  1. John Clifford
  2. Suhiel Badoor
  3. What is Graphic Designing by Quentin Newmark
I gained a new possible career path. This is significant to me because I like it and it can one day help support my standard of living as well as happiness because it is a hobby.

I'll end it by thank John Clifford, whom I invited to come, and allow any and all questions to be asked about graphic designing in general.