Christian H.
West House
Topic: Digital Art (Graphic Design)
Essential Question: What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

*The independent component is an opportunity for you top select a direction and create your own component. Each component must demonstrate 30 hours of work. There are two components. Please remember to review the contract. 

Independent Component 1:

1) Discuss possible ideas yew have to complete this requirement?
My first idea is to take a class up at Mt. Sac. Winter semester applications dont start until the 15th. My second plan would be just to sit on my computer and do designs on photoshop. But I plan to do both at the same time, got to school, and go on my computer and practice.2) How will these idea(s) help answer your EQ? 
Since I dont have an EQ at the moment (still working on it), going to a graphic designer class and practicing it at home would cover any EQ I come up with.

1 comment:

  1. Taking a class would be one and then doing some work on your own could be the other.

    Answer #2 after getting an EQ.
