Christian H.
West House
Topic: Digital Art (Graphic Design)
Essential Question: What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

5 min Presentation Reflection

Post 4B
Title: 5 min Presentation Reflection
Label: Presentation
1) What would you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
2) What was most challenging to do and why?

1) In my opinion, I had a very good amount of detail. With each different kinds of digital art, I gave a great description as to what makes it what it is. With each picture, I gave explanations as to how it relates to the categories it falls under, and what makes it a good example of artwork.
2) The most challenging was the planning of it. Finding out what to do and present was a challenge for me all its own, as sometimes I have perfectionist qualities when I truly want to do well, like I did want to for this mini-presentation. But the main difficulty was timing. I failed in making it fit withing a 5 minute, due to the fact  I felt I had to present more that what I should've.

1 comment:

  1. With all presentations, you will have a timing factor, so I recommend rehearsal and specific planning. I agree though you presented solid depth for the first presentation. Good visuals!
