Christian H.
West House
Topic: Digital Art (Graphic Design)
Essential Question: What is most important for an artist to be successful in the field of graphic designing.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

5 min Presentation Reflection

Post 4B
Title: 5 min Presentation Reflection
Label: Presentation
1) What would you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
2) What was most challenging to do and why?

1) In my opinion, I had a very good amount of detail. With each different kinds of digital art, I gave a great description as to what makes it what it is. With each picture, I gave explanations as to how it relates to the categories it falls under, and what makes it a good example of artwork.
2) The most challenging was the planning of it. Finding out what to do and present was a challenge for me all its own, as sometimes I have perfectionist qualities when I truly want to do well, like I did want to for this mini-presentation. But the main difficulty was timing. I failed in making it fit withing a 5 minute, due to the fact  I felt I had to present more that what I should've.

Interview 1 Reflection

Post 4A
Title: Interview 1 Reflection
Label: Interview
Content: What is the most important thing I learned from the interview and why? 

When I interviewed Sean Wood, I did have difficult time with the quality the information understood due to the lack of sound quality and background noise on his end of the phone line. But the best peace of information he gave me was that in order to succeed in having a career in any digital art, you have to be the best because it is so competitive. With that information, I know now that I have to keep practicing to increase my own skills, that is why it helped me do much to know that.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Presentation Rough Draft

I plan to present on what digital art is, and the many subfields in it and possible careers that you can have in the subfields. I will start off my showing pictures on some digital artistry, as well as have my poster up on the board. I'll have the pictures going around while I explain the different techniques used and different styles. I will bring many different programs required to create any form of digital art. That will last for 2-3 minutes. 

For my final 1-2 minutes, I will talk about my interview with Sean Wood and explain the level of education vs. the level of skill.

To see that everyone understands what digital art is, I will have them ask my any question and I will do my best to answer.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Topic Choice 1

What is your topic?
I finally decided that my topic will be digital art. This will include altering photograph, designing animation from scratch, and using drawing programs.

Why did you choose this topic?
I chose this topic because I have always admired people who have the ability to create magnificent and incredible peaces of art using modern technology. It started with wanting really cool desktop backgrounds, then more for my phone, and then my TV, and I wondered to myself that it would be really cool if I was able to make them myself.

What do you hope to accomplish after studying this topic all year?
I hope to develop enough skills to create my very own wallpapers and to be proud of my work. Currently I have no experience, so this will be a challenge to learn as well as to teach.

Service Learning

Science Fair

Research Topic 2




Who do you plan to interview? 
I plan to interview Sean Wood.

The real reason was because he was the first person in the field I had an opportunity to talk to and interview, so I plan to make the most out of it.

You have been assigned 5 questions to ask.  What more will you ask them and why? 
I want to ask if I could possible work under him for my service learning, how long it took him to reach the skill level he is in now, and what program I should use and where to get it.

Independent Study 2

Independent Study 1


Exit Interview
